Thanks for your interest in joining the Queenstown Photography Club (QPC).
We welcome new members of all abilities.

Benefits of QPC membership:
- Monthly Club meetings – everyone welcome!
- Regular field trip excursions
- Guest speakers
- Tutorials
- Image assessment
- Monthly Club newsletter
- Social Facebook page
- Socialising with fellow photographic fanatics
- Benefits of being affiliated with the Photographic Society of New Zealand (PSNZ).
Benefits of being affiliated with PSNZ:
- Access to PSNZ resources
- Being able to participate in national and regional conventions, exhibitions and inter club competitions
- Access to nationally and internationally recognised PSNZ honours system
So you can see membership includes lots of fun stuff!
We offer new potential members or “members guests” a chance to attend one monthly meeting to get feel for how the club operates and what our membership offers. Should one visit not be enough to convince you, then additional casual visits to monthly club meetings are charged $10 cash on arrival.
To join Queenstown Photography Club, please complete the Membership Form
Annual Membership Fees:
Individual Member : $50.00
Family : $70.00 ( two at the same address )
Family : $90.00 ( three or more at the same address )
Junior : $30.00 ( up to 18 or up to 25 Student not working )
Our membership year starts in April, so any member joining after October 1st is eligible for a ½ year membership at ½ price. Normal subs are then due April the following year.
Passive Membership : $25 – newsletter only membership
How to pay
Membership subscriptions should be paid directly to our Queenstown Photography Club
SBS bank account: 03 1355 0715376 00
Reference: Your name